Grass mix hay, 1,100 lb. round bales, $50 each, over 150 avai;able, we can load on your trailer, 218-686-1258
1958 Farmall 300 tractor, 30hp, narrow front, $1,300, 218-686-6914
Parting out 851 New Holland round baler; will have parts, axle for 400 Vers., swather; slab firewood in approx 1 cord bundles, 218-964-5424
2017 Chevrolet 3500HD crew cab w/6.0 gas engine, about 61,000 miles, red color, flip-over 5th wheel ball, one owner, call/text 218-686-3682
Abeka homeschool books, all grades, text/call 218-686-0460
2005 6’ x 12’ drop-down utility trailer, $2,500, 218-689-5611
2-row John Deere 71 flex planter for food plots, $1,600, 218-689-4339
9 pieces of antique dishes (cheap), also Red Wing; letter opener given away by Texaco years ago; Cabbage Patch doll, 218-681-2349
Old pencil collection from Eddy’s Bread, Holsum Bread, Old Home Bread, and the Big B store (from TRF); old spoon collection; a few presidential buttons from 1952, etc, 218-289-3932
New in box, rack in pinion with tie rod ends, fits 1999-2004 Pontiac, Chevy, Olds, and Buick models, part #3622-es3455*2, $200; new, non-Evo power steering pump, fits 3.1L and 3.4L GM engines, $65, like-new 90-watt Dell laptop AC adapter, $30. 218-533-3184.
Want to buy a donkey, 218-452-1043
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